The WP BAKERYGROUP with manufacturing facilities in Germany and Holland is an equity partner and stockholder of Gemini Bakery Equipment since 1988. WP is the largest manufacturer of specialty bakery equipment in the world.
In conjunction with Gemini and KB systems, Werner and Pfleiderer is in a position to offer total solutions – from project development to equipping complete bakeries.
A Key Element
The WP BakeryGroup corporate philosophy is thinking beyond the function of an individual piece of equipment to allow us to help our clients be successful beyond the individual stages of production.
We call it “process management”, the targeted management of the individual stages of production and the machines used within them.

process is at the heart of their corporate philosophy

Each piece of equipment can be purchased and operated as “stand-alone”, or as part of an integrated system – The complete WP line ensures reliable process management.
Think process is at the heart of their corporate philosophy, and this describes the implementation of networked technology throughout all stages of production, with the goal of integrated processes. Within the implementation of consistent process-oriented thinking lie productivity reserves and opportunities for greater quality.